Perimenopause symptoms - it’s NOT just hot flashes & disturbed sleep!

Itchy skin? Experiencing massive peaks of rage or anxiety? Muscle pain? It could be perimenopause.

While menopause (marked at 12 months from your last menstrual period) is something all women will progress through, the type and severity of symptoms experienced during each woman’s menopausal journey will vary greatly. Understanding the possible symptoms of perimenopause is crucial as some they can significantly affect your quality of life and yet can be easily treated or managed.

What is perimenopause?

The perimenopause is the phase in a woman’s life occurring before the final menstrual period (menopause) and starts when there are persistent differences in cycle length and/or when a woman reports symptoms consistent with the menopause.

What symptoms are related to perimenopause?

Symptoms experienced in perimenopause include both those associated with oestrogen excess, and oestrogen deficiency as well as changes in progesterone as these hormones undergo more dramatic fluctuations during perimenopause.

Symptoms of oestrogen excess can include:

  • Breast pain and/or tenderness

  • Heavy menstrual bleeding

  • Headaches.

The symptoms of oestrogen deficiency include:

  • Hot flashes and night sweats

  • Sleep disturbance

  • Mood changes (e.g. increased anxiety and bouts of rage), particularly in women who have a history of hormone related mood symptoms

  • Fatigue

  • Low libido

  • Genitourinary symptoms (vaginal dryness, itching and burning/discomfort; frequent urination, urgency, burning with urination, recurrent UTIs, or urinary incontinence; pain during sex)

  • Joint pain

  • Muscle pain and soreness

What about less common symptoms of perimenopause?

While the symptoms listed above can be relatively common, there are also other, less widely discussed changes that women may experience. These include:

  1. Memory Problems and "Brain Fog"

Some women report feelings of forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating and memory issues - this is often referred to as "brain fog."

2. Hair and Skin changes

Hair thinning or hair loss, as well as dry, itchy or thinning skin, can also occur during perimenopause. This is often linked to hormonal fluctuations, particularly a decrease in oestrogen, which affects the health of both hair follicles, collagen production and skin elasticity.

3. Heart Palpitations

Some women experience irregular heartbeats or a sensation of fluttering in the chest. For example, a study in 2006 found that around 20% of women experience heart palpitations during menopause, which are typically benign but can be distressing.

4. Increased Sensitivity to Heat or Cold

While hot flashes are common, some women may also experience an increased sensitivity to temperature in general. For example, you might feel excessively hot in situations where others are comfortable, or you may feel unusually cold.

What You Can Do to Manage Menopause Symptoms

While menopause symptoms are a natural part of aging, there are ways to manage them and improve quality of life during this transition. The best approach usually involves a combination of considering if HRT may be appropriate and should always include lifestyle changes for both symptom management and overall health (e.g. physical activity, a balanced diet, and good sleep hygiene can make a significant difference in how you experience perimenopause).

Furthermore, yoga, meditation, cognitive behavioural therapy and deep-breathing exercises can help reduce stress, improve mood, and combat insomnia.

Menopause is a deeply individual experience, and while many women will encounter common symptoms like hot flashes and mood swings, others may face unusual symptoms like joint pain or brain fog. Understanding what’s happening to your body, can help you feel more empowered as you navigate this transition. If symptoms become overwhelming, don’t hesitate to consult with a healthcare professional to explore treatment options and improve your quality of life during this phase of life.

If you would like to discuss how I support women to manage their perimenopause symptoms and significantly improve their quality of life, book a free discovery call with me today.


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